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When teen lovers Gaspard and Marion stumble upon a cell phone, they decide to track down the owner and find him, dead, in a mysterious suicide ceremony. Next to him lies a half-conscious girl, Audrey. Possessing femme fatale looks and an enigmatic tattoo, Audrey lures Gaspard into Black Hole, a dangerously addictive online game. Gaspard s avatar encounters beautiful but poisonous singer Sam, who attracts victims in the virtual world and seduces them to commit suicide in real life. Could Sam s alter ego in the real world be Audrey? Could Gaspard be her next victim? He will have to journey deeper into Bl! ack Hole to learn the terrible truth.Life can crush your dreams. Oji is a middle-management drone stuck in the drudgery of a corporate lifestyle to support his wife and his kid. His only grip on his sanity come from the shreds of hope surrounding his past life as the amazing guitarist of Black Heaven, a heavy metal band that almost made it. In his bleakest moment, the magic of performing is restored to him when a beautiful and mysterious woman informs him that only his special sound can save the universe from an evil alien invasion!Hard Rock Saves Space!! Life can crush your dreams. Oji is a middle-management drone whose only grip on sanity, in the drudgery of his corporate lifestyle, are the few shreds of hope surrounding his past life as the amazing guitarist of Black Heaven, a heavy metal band that almost made it. In his bleakest moment, the magic of performing is restored to him when a beautiful mysterious woman informs him that only his special sound can save the univ! erse from an evil alien invasion. Limited edition chromium ons! ert incl uded on every volume (while supplies last). THOUGHTFUL and driven reading, ... holds a powerful message, highly recommended. -Â
The Midwest Book Review [More below.]
DO YOU WONDER about Heaven? Heaven is real and for you! And you can experience a taste of it now if you follow the road to new life. This fresh and engaging book about the path to God and His heaven will engage your mind and heart and answer your questions. Not every salvation prayer leads to heaven and you can't get there by being good!
IN HEAVEN there will be no more "mourning or crying or pain" (Revelation 21:4). We will enjoy peace and joy forever and a new life beyond our wildest dreams. God loves you and is calling you into His heart. If you are open to God and desire change this short, readable, book is for you! It will spark new faith or deepen the faith you have.
REVIEWS under another title "The Road to New Life":
"... a guide to finding God and living your life with him on his side, to travel through one's life with God in mind to help you through your pain and the nonstop challenges that one constantly faces along the way. Thoughtful and driven reading, "The Road to New Life" holds a powerful message, highly recommended." - (November 2010)
"The Road to New Life is an invaluable resource, both to those seeking to renew their decisions to follow Christ and to those choosing Him for the first time. It also serves as an excellent witnessing tool for Christians who want to learn how to effectively share their faith with others. Enriched with several real-life examples, this book will inspire some to surrender their lives to Christ, as well as provide a richer understanding of the deeper truths of the salvation message."
GOD MADE YOU for a purpose and he wants t! o help you live it and experience the peace and joy that go wi! th it. A s you travel this road toward God, you will see how valuable you are to him and how he longs to free you from shame, insecurity, and emptiness. He wants to heal pain and loneliness and he wants to transform your life. He loves you and wants a close relationship with you.
THIS BOOK INCLUDES reflection questions and prayers to help you along the path to heaven. Covering themes of the kingdom of God, friendship with God, and community, it is tailored to reach hearts in a postmodern world. It can also be used in small groups.
VISIT TheRoadToNewLife.com
Phil Rehberg is a former attorney and former pastor with a J.D. degree and a Master's degree in biblical studies and theology. He has also done graduate studies in leadership and spiritual formation. He has led various ministries in local churches for over twenty years, including establishing emotional healing ministries, developing ministry teams, home groups, spiritual! formation groups and preaching.
THOUGHTFUL and driven reading, ... holds a powerful message, highly recommended. -Â
The Midwest Book Review [More below.]
DO YOU WONDER about Heaven? Heaven is real and for you! And you can experience a taste of it now if you follow the road to new life. This fresh and engaging book about the path to God and His heaven will engage your mind and heart and answer your questions. Not every salvation prayer leads to heaven and you can't get there by being good!
IN HEAVEN there will be no more "mourning or crying or pain" (Revelation 21:4). We will enjoy peace and joy forever and a new life beyond our wildest dreams. God loves you and is calling you into His heart. If you are open to God and desire change this short, readable, book is for you! It will spark new faith or deepen the faith you have.
REVIEWS under another title "The Road to New Life":
"... a guide to find! ing God and living your life with him on his side, to travel t! hrough o ne's life with God in mind to help you through your pain and the nonstop challenges that one constantly faces along the way. Thoughtful and driven reading, "The Road to New Life" holds a powerful message, highly recommended." - (November 2010)
"The Road to New Life is an invaluable resource, both to those seeking to renew their decisions to follow Christ and to those choosing Him for the first time. It also serves as an excellent witnessing tool for Christians who want to learn how to effectively share their faith with others. Enriched with several real-life examples, this book will inspire some to surrender their lives to Christ, as well as provide a richer understanding of the deeper truths of the salvation message."
GOD MADE YOU for a purpose and he wants to help you live it and experience the peace and joy that go with it. As you travel this road toward God, you w! ill see how valuable you are to him and how he longs to free you from shame, insecurity, and emptiness. He wants to heal pain and loneliness and he wants to transform your life. He loves you and wants a close relationship with you.
THIS BOOK INCLUDES reflection questions and prayers to help you along the path to heaven. Covering themes of the kingdom of God, friendship with God, and community, it is tailored to reach hearts in a postmodern world. It can also be used in small groups.
VISIT TheRoadToNewLife.com
Phil Rehberg is a former attorney and former pastor with a J.D. degree and a Master's degree in biblical studies and theology. He has also done graduate studies in leadership and spiritual formation. He has led various ministries in local churches for over twenty years, including establishing emotional healing ministries, developing ministry teams, home groups, spiritual formation groups and preaching.
* The United States! Kindle power adapter * Approved charger for Kindle, Kindle Touch, Kindle Keyboard, and Kindle DX * Fully charges Kindle, Kindle Touch, Kindle Keyboard, or Kindle DX in 4 hours or less * See Kindle User's Guide for instructions and important safety information