- Featuring Regis Philbin and Ed Burns This Funky Date Movie is a hilarioustrip down the twisted road of romanceand its surprising destination is sexy,touching and fresh Format: DVD MOVIE Genre:Â COMEDY Rating:Â R Age:Â 025193229823 UPC:Â 025193229823 Manufacturer No:Â 68032298
Genre: Feature Film-Comedy
Rating: R
Release Date: 7-NOV-2006
Media Type: DVDThe male reluctance to commit claims another victim in The Breakup Artist. Jim (Joseph Lyle Taylor, 100 Centre Street) flips through a shoebox full of photos of the women he's dumped as he bemoans his inability to commit. As he frets about breaking up with his current girlfriend, a professional cheerleader, he talks to a plastic statuette of the Infant of Prague on his dashboard. But when his best friend Teresa (Paula Devicq, Party of Five, Rescue Me) b! reaks up with her loutish fiance, Jim realizes she's the one woman he can't live without...and that, pretty much, is the entire plot of The Breakup Artist: About seventy minutes of self-flagellation mingled with brief moments of ogling and flirting (particularly with Jim's sexy new neighbor Mona, played by Sarita Choudhury, Mississippi Masala), followed by a moment of modest insight and (spoiler!) a happy resolution. The clumsy, overwritten dialogue and lifeless direction do not help. The ever-sprightly Sabrina Lloyd (Sports Night) brings some spark to her small role, while Regis Philbin (Who Wants to Be a Millionaire) makes an odd cameo and Ed Burns (The Brothers McMullen) literally walks on-screen for about ten seconds. --Bret Fetzer

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