Playboy Magazine November 2001 Table of Contents COVER STORY ANGELICA BRIDGES IS RED HOT: The Miller Lite model and former Baywatch siren stands out in a crowd. "You can't help but notice a redhead," explains Angelica. The fiery actress has appeared in more than 20 television series. Davis Factor of aRT miX shot the cover. "That's a wrap," says our very hip Rabbit. FEATURES 121 CENTERFOLDS ON SEX: JAMI FERRELL She has this fantasy of drifting into a room nude while a man's asleep and-well, you can guess the rest. Oh, she also has a thing about faucets in a tub. 122 20Q WILL FERRELL The top-billed vet of Saturday Night Live and the go-to Bush mimic talks about cutting in line at Disneyland, his SNL all-star team and why we'll never see the Barfing Bigot. BY DAVID RENSIN 1 26 DIRTY SKATE KINGS These lords of the board turn half-pipe dreams into millions of dollars-without ever quitting the asphalt underground. BY DEAN KUIPERS INTERVIEW 63 JOEL AND ETHAN COEN The mavericks behind Fargo, Barton Fink and Blood Simple are back with a new noir. To set the stage, the Coen brothers ruminate on a few favorite topics: blowing up animals, Brando as a bagel and why Hollywood has a hard-on for independents. BY KRISTINE MCKENNA PICTORIALS 82 SEX IN CINEMA Nicole Kidman as a courtesan, the Marquis de Sade in his own feature and a film so shocking it was banned in France. Who could ask for anything more? 98 PLAYMATE: LINDSEY VUOLO Her three favorite things are dancing, skiing and-she'll leave it to your imagination. 130 ANGELICA Angelica still believes in Southern hospitality. You'll love her biscuits. NOTES AND NEWS 13 FUN IN THE SUN Hef celebrates the Fourth with Liz Hurley and Oliver Stone. 175 PLAYMATE NEWS Victoria's Playmate secret; Jon Stewart's favorites. REVIEWS 32 MOVIES Fairuza Balk 34 VIDEO The Godfather on DVD 38 MUSIC Joe Strummer 42 BOOKS Quincy Jones' autobiography